We must abolish the entitlement that deludes us into believing that we have the right to make assumptions about people’s identities and project those assumptions onto their genders and bodies. (Janet Mock)

The third volume of “WOMEN IN POLITICS: NEW APPROACHES TO THE POLITICAL” journal explores the gendered effects of the Public/Private divide and investigates what can be revealed if the notion of “Public” approached as the politicized “Private”. The categories of “Public” and “Private” are crucial in interpretations of politics, law, women’s participation in public life, social stratification, and gender equality. The volume addresses how the category of “Private” emerges and submits to the category of “Public”. Personal and private choices appear to be regulated by the public discourse, governmental politics, “common sense” social expectations, and more. The intersectionality of public/private – be it represented as a dichotomy or not – lies at the core of power division and related societal inequalities.
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Editor’s Foreword. Public is the Politicised Private | Read or Download